Christopher McGerr - Game Designer


Duration: January 2012-April 2012
Role: Game Designer
Team Size: 8 Part-Time

My third Integrated Project at Glasgow Caledonian University was a game based heavily on the works of George Carlin and Bill Hicks. This project was by far the largest scale project that I worked on at Glasgow Caledonian University, and featured a team of three designers, a psychologist, two artists, and two programmers. To me, the game also serves as a reminder of the importance of proper management in development.

The project was developed using XNA with the final objective being a technical demonstration that could be used to port the game to a more viable platform. In addition to the creation of the game, the project had to be pitched to the 'client' in the form of the lecturers, with emphasis placed on the relevance of the piece with regards to the philosophies of Carlin and Hicks.

The game serves as a metaphor for the political system of large government and the difficulty of keeping everyone happy in this situation. In Flock-Off you play in the role of a decision maker who has the opportunity to enact edicts which in turn effect different cross-sections of the population in forms of quadrants shown on the game screen. The edicts often have both a positive effect and a negative effect meaning that the player has to be careful in order to balance the happiness of all of the sections of the population.

As a Game Designer I was responsible for the creation of levels, contributed to the establishment of the gameplay mechanics, and defining the content cards found throughout the game.


1 / 3
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Main Game Screen
Main Game Screen
Main Game Screen

Gameplay Trailer

One of the pre-requisites of this coursework was the delivery of a gameplay trailer which was delivered during a presentation to pitch the concept to an imaginary client. Some of the content found within the trailer was not actually featured within the final product delivered to the lecturers.

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